Your Email List Is Your Most Valuable Asset. Period.

Email lists provide direct access to your audience, delivering messages directly into their inboxes. This allows you to create tailored messaging and content that builds trust and a genuine connection with your subscribers.

To determine your list value, start by calculating all of your relevant business expenses and subtracting them from revenue. This will give you a truer picture of your list’s value.

1. Increased Sales

Email lists are a piece of owned media that you have complete control over. This is unlike social media where the platform owns your followers and contacts list.

In the digital world, email is a high-converting tool that has the potential to produce loyal customers. It’s also an asset that you can nurture over time to turn it into a thriving community of brand advocates.

Your email list provides you with an opportunity to connect with your audience and keep them up to date on new products, promotions, or events. This can help increase sales by driving traffic to your website or store.

Additionally, your emails can be used to drive engagement by delivering relevant, inspiring content that will start to build trust with your subscribers over time. This could include things like free interactive tools, birthday and holiday greetings, or exclusive coupons that can be used in-store or online.

Buying an email list can be tempting because it might give you the impression that you’re reaching your target audience., says Emails Nest However, email addresses that are purchased or rented often get spammed and may no longer be valid for your marketing purposes. An email list built on the principles of permission and transparency will have greater value than one that is built from bought or rented contacts.

There are many ways to grow your email list, including social media promotion, CTAs on your website, giveaway competitions, collaborating with other businesses, guest blogging, and more. Be sure to choose a method that fits your business and your budget. However, the most important thing is to make it easy for your visitors to subscribe. This can be done by providing multiple sign-up options, creating an opt-in form on every page of your site, and offering compelling incentives (such as the case study or cheat sheets that ConversionLab uses). You should also make it clear that you’ll never share your email address with any third parties.

2. Increased Customer Retention

Email marketing provides the opportunity to connect with your audience in a more direct way than other digital channels. It also gives you the ability to personalize messages and target your audience based on purchase behavior, interests and demographics. Additionally, email lists are a digital asset that you own and can maintain even if platforms like Facebook or Twitter change their rules.

If you want to grow your business, it’s important to focus on customer retention and build relationships with your customers. One great way to do this is through an email marketing strategy, which can help you increase customer lifetime value and encourage new customers to come your way.

A good email marketing strategy can involve providing valuable content that is relevant to your audience and offering exclusive deals or rewards that your subscribers would be interested in. For example, a clothing boutique could offer their customers personalized fashion recommendations and behind-the-scenes looks into the brand. This would show that the clothing boutique cares about their audience and builds a strong relationship with them.

Another important aspect of an email marketing strategy is making it easy for people to sign up for your list. A simple sign-up sheet can work well, and it should always include a double opt-in process to ensure that people actually want to receive your emails. This demonstrates your respect for your audience’s privacy and compliance with laws like GDPR, CAN-SPAM and HIPAA.

You can also promote your email list through social media by including a link to a lead generation card on all of your tweets, which pre-populates a user’s name, @username and email address when clicked. By doing this, you can create an instant connection with your audience and encourage them to subscribe for more great content.

3. Increased Traffic

Whether you’re just starting out or have an established business, building your email list is an essential first step to growing your brand. Email marketing provides a cost-effective way to reach your target audience and encourages customers to engage with your business and share their experience with others.

You can collect email addresses with online forms on your website and social media channels, in-store signup sheets, or chatbots that offer future updates, newsletters, or exclusive content as an incentive to subscribe. Many of these methods also allow you to personalize emails based on subscribers’ previous behavior and preferences, further increasing engagement and conversions.

Running contests and giveaways is another popular and effective way to grow your email list. Not only do these tactics generate lots of organic engagement, but participants often share the content they receive from your business with their friends and followers, further boosting your reach.

Once you have the email address of your new subscribers, make sure to deliver on your promises. Avoid bombarding them with sales-related content right away. Instead, focus on providing valuable information and resources that are relevant to their interests. This will keep them engaged and happy with your business.

Finally, always use a double opt-in to ensure that your subscribers actually want to be part of your email list. This is important in order to avoid violating laws like GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and HIPAA.

It’s also a good idea to periodically clean up your email list by purging inactive subscribers who haven’t opened or engaged with your emails for a long period of time. This will help to improve email deliverability, and ensure that the emails you send to your active subscribers are always relevant and engaging.

4. Increased Brand Awareness

Email marketing provides a way for businesses to connect with their audience on a personal level. By collecting email addresses through a newsletter signup form, companies can communicate with subscribers directly and build a loyal community of brand advocates.

By sending promotional emails with exclusive deals and updates on products, services, or events, companies can encourage their audience to interact with the business. The more a person interacts with a company, the more likely they are to buy something or recommend the product or service to friends and family.

Additionally, an email list gives you a sense of control and ownership over your audience. This is because people on your email list have opted in voluntarily and given you permission to stay in touch with them. This is unlike followers on social media, who may not be as responsive to your content or business and are subject to changes in their algorithms that could impact how they see your business.

In addition, your email list can be used to promote a variety of different campaigns and offers, making it a cost-effective way to advertise and expand brand awareness. Additionally, by providing valuable content to your audience, you can establish yourself as a trusted expert in the industry and grow your reputation. For example, a financial advisor may create educational content that discusses the latest tax laws, retirement planning strategies, and investment opportunities. This educational content will help to increase the trust of potential clients and ultimately lead to more sales.

While it takes time to build a quality email list, the benefits are substantial. A single report estimates that the average email sender generates $36 for every dollar spent on their list. That is a return on investment that far exceeds other marketing channels like billboards and social media.

5. Increased Conversions

A business owner can leverage their email list to drive conversions by sending out a newsletter with new products, discounts, and special offers. An online boutique, for example, can nurture their list by providing exclusive content to their subscribers over time, which turns them into repeat customers and brand advocates who share their love of the boutique with friends and family.

When it comes to calculating the value of your email list, there are many factors that come into play. One of the most important is your total revenue from your email marketing efforts over a period of twelve months. This number includes any direct revenue from email sales, as well as revenue from your social media channels and organic traffic. Once you have this number, subtract any overhead costs to determine your net list revenue.

Another important factor is your list quality. This is determined by how responsive and active your subscribers are. A high-quality list can have a much higher value than a large, inactive list.

One way to increase your list quality is by offering a free incentive, like a whitepaper or ebook, to people who sign up with their email address. This is a great way to build up your list and generate more revenue over time.

Finally, you should also take the time to do some list hygiene and remove inactive subscribers from your email list. While these people may not be as productive as your other subscribers, they’re wasting valuable space in your inbox. If you haven’t heard from a subscriber in a few months, it’s time to let them go!

3 Types of Electrical Meters and How They Work

Electric meters track the usage of electricity from the grid to your home or business. They can be categorized by their operating technology (induction, hybrid or solid state) and their ability to transmit data.

A typical meter has a power supply, a metering engine along with add-on modules for data processing and communication. The metering engine has analog to digital converters, samplers and quantisers that convert the incoming voltage and current into digitised values.

1. Electronic

Electrical meters use advanced technology to monitor the consumption of electricity, also diagnostics and component repairs. They measure energy usage in a variety of ways, from the movement of magnets in mechanical disk meters to digital signal sampling. These methods allow them to collect data over a wide range of conditions and time intervals, making them able to provide detailed information about energy consumption patterns. They also can detect tampering and other anomalies, which helps protect the consumer from being overbilled or overcharged for electricity.

These devices are usually installed in small homes, apartments and other buildings with low energy consumption needs. They are also used in large commercial and industrial premises with high energy consumption. In addition to measuring energy consumption, these devices can track solar power generation and record how much energy is fed back into the grid. These are often known as net meters and can help consumers reduce their energy bills.

They are generally classified by the type of register they have, which can include real energy, demand, time-of-use, power factor and more. They are also categorized by voltage type and service configuration, such as self-contained or transformer-rated. These characteristics are encoded in a special label on the meter, which can be found on the front or side of the device.

The most common types of electric meters are digital or analog electromechanical devices. The former uses a clock-like display to show energy usage, while the latter uses a system of gears and dials. Some of these meters can be read remotely, while others need to be physically read by a utility company representative. These devices are generally tested for accuracy, and the results may be compared to a list of statutory provisions outlining minimum acceptable levels of accuracy.

These meters are built with several components, including current sensors and voltage transformers. The current sensor converts the input voltage to a digital signal that is recorded in the meter’s memory. The voltage transformer then converts this signal to a series of pulses that represent the amount of energy consumed over a given period.

This pulse number is then converted to a total energy reading, which can be displayed in a variety of formats. For example, a simple digital display will typically indicate how many kilowatt-hours have been consumed during the day. The meter can also be programmed to display a more detailed breakdown of energy consumption, such as by appliance, or by individual household members.

Some of these electronic meters have additional functionality such as power-quality monitoring, which can identify and help resolve issues such as harmonic distortion or surges. They can also be equipped with remote communication capabilities which enable them to send their readings via telephone line or radio to a central metering office. This can reduce the cost of maintaining a network of manually-read mechanical meters, and can also help to prevent fraud by allowing for verification of customer supplied readings.

2. Mechanical

If you have a standard meter in your home, it’s a clock-like device that records the amount of electricity you use and shows how much you consume on a daily basis. It also records the total amount of energy used in kilowatt-hours (kWh). To read your meter, wait for the display to cycle to code 10. Your kW demand is displayed in area 3.

A mechanical electric meter works through electromagnetic induction. Two coils inside the meter, one impacting the voltage and the other impacting the current, create magnetic fields that make a non-magnetic, electrically conductive metal disc rotate at a rate proportional to the power passing through it. A number of dials on the face of the meter moves to indicate the total power usage, measured in kilowatt-hours.

These meters are still in many homes, although they’re not very energy-efficient and require a manual reading. They are also susceptible to tampering, which can affect the accuracy of their measurements. For this reason, the electricity company requires a visit from a representative to verify customer-supplied meter readings at least once a year.

Another type of mechanical meter uses electromechanical induction to measure electricity usage but is more compact and has a higher level of accuracy than its predecessors. This type of meter has a small rotor, typically made of aluminum, that is driven by two magnets located in the middle of the meter housing. A counter, similar to the counter on a standard mechanical meter, is attached to the rotor to record each revolution. The rotor consumes a small amount of electricity – a couple of watts at full load – that is not recorded on the consumption reading.

In addition to these electromechanical devices, there are electronic and digital meters, known as smart meters, that provide real-time electricity consumption data to consumers. They are more accurate than electromechanical meters and can communicate with other smart devices in the home.

There are many different types of meters available in the market today, and a great deal of variation exists within each category. Some of the differences are based on register type, such as energy, demand, time-of-use or power factor; by voltage type; and by whether they’re self-contained or transformer-rated.

A voltmeter is a simple device that measures the difference in voltage (electrical potential) between two points in a circuit. It has two terminals that are connected by wires or “leads.” Place the tips of the leads at the points to be tested and watch the voltmeter for a change in reading, which will be indicated on the dial. The voltmeter is useful for determining the voltage of a battery, testing for continuity between terminals and locating faults in a circuit. A multimeter is a more sophisticated device that measures current, frequency and power.

3. Analog

The simplest type of electric meter is the traditional analog watt-hour meter. This is the type of meter most homes and businesses have in place, although it’s been gradually replaced by newer digital meters and smart meters. Its main purpose is to provide accurate readings of energy usage, which can then be sent to your electricity supplier for billing purposes. It works by measuring the amount of current that’s drawn, using a metal disk that spins when you use power and a counter that records how many rotations it makes.

These old-fashioned meters are usually enclosed in a protective glass or plastic cover to protect against tampering, and they have mechanical dials that move as you consume electricity. They’re still a common choice in residential and commercial settings, as they are simple and reliable. They’re also a cost-effective option, as they are easy to repair or replace.

They’re broadly categorized by the quantity that they measure, with instruments that measure current classified as ammeters and those that measure voltage classified as voltmeters. Other analog recording instruments include frequency, wattage and ampere-hour meters.

To read an analog meter, you start at the left and work your way right, ignoring any red numbers (if present). The number that the arrow on the dial points to is the reading. You then write down the number that each of the black numbers is displaying, subtracting any numbers that are between dials and ignoring any dials without a figure or hand. These meters look like small traditional clocks, so they’re fairly easy to get the hang of.

Digital energy meters are more advanced than their analog counterparts, as they don’t rely on mechanical parts to operate. They’re used in both single and three-phase systems and offer greater accuracy than their analog counterparts, which can help ensure accurate billing for your electricity usage. They can also be more reliable than analog meters, as they’re less likely to break down or become stuck in one position.

A digital meter consists of a power supply, a metering engine, and processing and communication engines. It’s important to understand how these different components interact with each other to calculate your electricity consumption. The power supply is given the instantaneous voltage and current inputs via a set of sensing coils that are connected to the service wires. The metering engine then processes these inputs to calculate the various metering parameters, including energy usage in kilowatt-hours.

Most digital meters have a display screen that shows your current energy usage. The meter can also be programmed to record your energy usage every 15, 30 or 60 minutes, and some models even have two IR LEDs that can be detected by night vision viewers and certain video cameras. These features have created privacy concerns among some consumers, who feel that their personal information is being collected without their knowledge.

5 Common Mistakes New Mushroom Growers Make (And How to Avoid Them)

Mushroom cultivation is a skill that takes time to perfect. To get the most out of your harvest, it’s important to follow endorsed techniques and sterilize your equipment before working with spores.

You also need to give your project plenty of time. Fruiting can take a while, and some species of mushrooms can be very fragile.

1. Failing to Harness Optimum Moisture and Temperature

A lack of a precise understanding of the growing process is one of the most common mistakes new growers make. It is crucial to learn the language of mushroom cultivation, including terms like ‘spores’ and ’spawn.’ This will help prevent the mushroom novice from making mistakes that can cause a devastating setback to their project.

Mushroom cultivation is a process that requires patience. Attempting to speed things up by checking the substrate too frequently can disrupt the delicate mycelium and introduce contaminants. It is essential to follow the recommended timelines for each species and resist the urge to interfere with your crop too often.

It’s also important to be aware of the climate and weather conditions in your region when determining your substrate’s moisture content. Different mushrooms require varying levels of humidity to reach their desired harvest time. It is recommended to use a humidifier or follow endorsed watering practices to ensure your substrate remains moist.

The final mistake many beginner growers make is not providing their fungi with enough nutrients. A number of mushroom species require a specific type of substrate to thrive, as well as certain nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Insufficient nutrient balances can lead to poor growth and decreased yield, or you can dry them with a food dehydrator.

Another common mistake is misjudging when your crop is ready to be harvested. This can vary based on the mushroom type, the material in which it is grown (such as wood or straw) and even the time of year. To avoid this mistake, it’s best to familiarize yourself with the life cycle of each mushroom and understand how to read a chart for their optimal fruiting conditions. It’s also recommended to keep a logbook and track each batch as it progresses, so you can identify any issues sooner rather than later.

2. Misjudging When Your Crops Are Ready to Be Harvested

Mushroom cultivation is a delicate process that requires patience. Mushroom mycelium needs a nurturing environment in order to develop without inhibition, and that means not interfering with the growing process too often. Frequently opening a fruiting chamber to check on progress can disturb the mycelial growth and lead to contamination, so it’s important for beginner growers to resist the temptation to interfere with their crops too often.

While a little bit of contamination is inevitable, there are ways to mitigate it. By following endorsed watering practices and keeping humidity levels high (80-90%), mushroom cultivators can minimize the risk of contamination and ensure their crops are healthy and ready to be harvested.

In addition to using a sterilized substrate and following recommended timelines, avoiding contamination also requires knowing your mushroom species’ preferred environmental conditions and providing them with those same conditions. Mushrooms require a specific amount of light in order to fruit, and many varieties need light cues to initiate the process. By understanding what conditions are best for each species, and maintaining them consistently, mushroom growers can maximize their yields.

Misidentification of mushroom species is another common mistake that can lead to disastrous results. Many mushrooms share similar characteristics, and it can be easy to confuse one for another. Especially for newer growers, identifying different mushroom species correctly is essential for avoiding dangerously toxic or inedible mushrooms. Educating yourself on each type of mushroom, and keeping your growing area well-labeled can help avoid this mistake.

3. Not Recognizing the Signs of Contamination

A common mistake many new mushroom growers make is not recognizing the signs of contamination. Contamination is a major problem that can derail your entire crop. It can occur in the form of bacteria or mold. Both of these contaminants can compete with the fungus for nutrients and inhibit its growth, or even cause it to die out entirely. To avoid contamination, you must ensure that all of your materials are sterile. This includes both your spores and spawn, as well as your substrate and injection needles.

Bacterial contamination can often be seen as a patch of slimy wetness on the surface of your growing substrate. If you spot it, then you should sterilize your substrate and re-inoculate it with fresh spores or spawn. Similarly, molds can be spotted as yellow, green or black spots on the surface of your growing substrate. To prevent these contaminating microorganisms, you should always clean your injection needle after each use, heat it up before using it, and sterilize your containers and injection sites with hot water.

Another way that new mushroom growers can introduce contamination is by interfering with their growing process too much. This can include opening the fruiting chamber prematurely, or trying to initiate fruiting before the spawn is fully colonized by the host. To avoid this mistake, you should monitor your crop regularly, but resist the urge to interfere with its progress.

Mushrooms are a finicky crop, but with patience and practice, you can learn how to cultivate the perfect harvest. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can be on your way to a lifetime of delicious gourmet mushrooms. Just remember to be patient, follow these tips, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques.

4. Not Sterilizing Your Workspace

Mushroom growing is a meticulous and thorough process that requires attention to detail. New growers may be tempted to cut corners or rush through certain steps in order to get to the final product, but this is a recipe for disaster. It’s essential to follow endorsed techniques and sterilize all equipment before working with spores or substrates. Failure to do so can lead to contamination.

Another common mistake is failing to maintain proper humidity levels. Humidity is vital for mushroom growth, and a lack of moisture can cause the crops to die. To avoid this problem, make sure to mist the growing area regularly, and use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels. In hot, dry climates, growers may also need to double their misting or invest in a fruiting chamber to ensure optimum humidity levels throughout the growing cycle.

Lastly, new growers often neglect to sterilize their workspace. Failure to do so can lead to the spread of contaminants that can harm the mushrooms and their mycelium. It’s important to clean all equipment with 70% isopropyl alcohol and always wash your hands before handling anything in the grow room. In addition, it’s critical to make sure that your workspace is properly ventilated and free of any dust or debris.

It’s also important to know what the early signs of contamination look like so that you can take prompt action. Any contaminated bags or jars should be removed and destroyed right away. By learning the common mistakes that new mushroom growers often make, you can avoid making them yourself and ensure a successful first harvest. With a little time and effort, you’ll soon be enjoying delicious homegrown oyster or shiitake mushrooms.

5. Not Investing in the Right Equipment

Whether you’re cultivating oyster, button or shiitake mushrooms, it’s important to invest in the right equipment. This includes tools like thermometers and hygrometers to monitor humidity levels, as well as mushroom bags and containers. Choosing high-quality mushroom cultivation gear can save you money in the long run by reducing maintenance and replacement costs. You can find mushroom farming equipment that meets your needs by researching the different types of cultivation tools available and choosing a manufacturer that has experience in the industry.

Another mistake that new growers make is not investing in the right cleaning equipment. This can lead to contamination of your substrate and crop, which can be difficult to recover from. To avoid this, purchase sterilizing equipment such as a pressure cooker and disinfectant that is safe for use with mushrooms.

Finally, it’s important to recognize the signs of contamination in your substrate and remove contaminated mushrooms from your growing area. Symptoms of contamination include slimy patches and dark brown or black mycelium. Healthy mycelium is white, so if you see any other color, this could be a sign of contamination and should be removed from your growing space immediately.

In addition to avoiding common mistakes, new growers can also increase their chances of success by networking with other mushroom farmers and industry professionals. This can be done through social media, local meetups or agricultural shows. Networking can provide you with valuable information about new techniques, mushroom hacks and even potential markets for your produce. In addition, it can help you establish a support system when you encounter challenges while growing your crop. Ultimately, networking can help you get the most out of your cultivation efforts and create an abundant supply of delicious gourmet mushrooms.

5 Ways Surveys Can Save You Money Long-Term

Surveys allow businesses to understand consumer needs and expectations. They can help businesses adapt services to meet those expectations and boost customer loyalty.

Monetary incentives are cash prizes, electronic transfers, prepaid debit cards or gift cards that participants can redeem for completing a survey. Using the right survey incentive ideas can increase response rates and ensure respondents actually respond to your surveys.

1. Insightful Analysis

Surveys are a strategic method of research that can provide valuable insights. However, the results of a survey are only useful if they are interpreted correctly. Taking the time to carefully analyze your survey results is essential, especially if the results are going to determine important business decisions or expenditures. Performing surveys is an expensive endeavor, so it is crucial that the data collected is accurate and useful.

Typically, surveys collect quantitative data (i.e., numbers and figures). Having a code book established before collecting the data is key to interpreting the results accurately. The code book should include information on the survey participants, a description of the research question under investigation, a presentation of the survey instrument itself, and a presentation of the quantified results. A spreadsheet format is the most common way to present your survey results, but there are many other options available.

When analyzing your survey results, it is crucial to understand the difference between descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis focuses on identifying patterns, trends, and relationships in the data. Inferential analysis is more concerned with making predictions and drawing conclusions about a larger population based on the results of a smaller sample.

Once your survey data has been analyzed, it is important to share the results with your team. It is helpful to have a mix of both data and insights (aka what the data means). This will help your “number nerds” process the results, as well as those who prefer a visual representation. It is also important to use consistent metrics when comparing different survey data. For example, if you are comparing your current returning customer rate to industry benchmarks, it is helpful to have the same metrics to compare the data, something seen with Castle Surveys.

2. Increased Customer Satisfaction

When a company asks their customers for feedback, it shows that they care about their customers. This creates brand loyalty, and leads to repeat business. It also allows a company to fix any problems that may be occurring. For example, a bank or credit union can survey their customers to find out how satisfied they are with their electronic statements as opposed to paper ones. They can then make changes to accommodate their customer’s preferences.

However, a survey should be carefully constructed. The questions should be unbiased, direct, and mutually exclusive. It is also a good idea to offer an incentive for completing the survey. Incentives can be in the form of gift cards, discounts on future purchases, or even a donation to a charity. It is important to choose an incentive that reflects your audience’s interests and aligns with the purpose of the survey.

Online surveys are much more convenient for the respondent than traditional paper versions. They can be easily accessed on any device and can be completed in minutes. This increases convenience and satisfaction and also results in better quality responses. Another advantage of online surveys is that they can be customized to include a variety of question types, including closed-ended, open-ended, and rating scales.

It is also important to consider how you will distribute your online survey. It is a good idea to distribute your survey through the channels that your audience uses the most, such as social media and email. It is also a good idea to test your survey before it goes live. This will help you to identify any issues with the clarity, flow, or structure of the questions.

3. Increased Productivity

Productivity is the measure of how much work can be accomplished in a certain timeframe. When businesses track productivity, they can identify areas for improvement and make changes to maximize efficiency. Surveys are a great way to collect productivity data from employees, customers or consumers. These results can help businesses to improve their processes, make better decisions and increase overall profits.

Surveys can be sent out through a variety of mediums including mail, telephone and in person. However, online surveys are the most cost effective. The main reason for this is that respondents can answer your survey at a time and place that suits them best. This makes it easier for them to provide honest, insightful answers that will help your business.

In addition, online surveys can be programmed to ask follow up questions based on how the respondent answered a previous question. This is not possible with a paper survey or a phone interview. Another important advantage of online surveys is that the results are instantly available. This is not possible with paper surveys that require you to distribute them, wait for responses and then analyze the data. Online surveys also allow you to export the data to specialized statistical software or spreadsheets for more in-depth analysis.

While there are other ways to collect feedback, surveys can save you money in the long run by providing you with smart, timely data. It’s worth taking the time to carefully design a questionnaire and test it before using it. You will also want to make sure you have a plan in place for how you will analyze the data once it’s been collected. This will ensure that you are getting the most value from your surveys and making informed decisions.

4. Increased Sales

When you take the time to learn more about your audience, you can use those insights to improve your product and services to better meet their needs. As a result, you can increase sales and revenue.

Surveys provide a wealth of information, but it’s important to analyze the results carefully. If you don’t interpret the data correctly, you may end up wasting time and money. To maximize the effectiveness of your surveys, be sure to ask relevant questions that relate to your goals and objectives. Ensure your questions are clear and concise, with a logical flow and intuitive design. It’s also important to make your surveys mobile-friendly to reach the largest possible audience.

The best way to boost your response rates is by integrating your surveys into your website. This allows you to reach a larger audience with less effort and expense. Additionally, you can promote your surveys on social media and through paid advertising.

It’s also essential to make the survey experience as positive and engaging as possible. This will encourage your respondents to complete the questionnaire and provide you with valuable insights. Make sure the survey is easy to navigate, and don’t overdo it with personal or sensitive questions. You can also add a brief intro or a statement about how you will use the results to keep your respondents engaged.

Surveys are a great way to collect feedback from your audience and make improvements that will save you money in the long run. However, it’s important to do your homework and choose a third-party company that can manage all aspects of your market research project. A full-service market research agency will offer expert advice, programming, fieldwork, analysis, and actionable recommendations.

5. Increased Brand Awareness

Brand awareness surveys are used for a wide variety of purposes, such as measuring the perception of your brand among potential customers or determining how well your current brand is performing in different markets. They are one of the most popular methods of primary market research, and they can be conducted in various formats, including by phone, email, online, or in person.

The key to a successful survey is ensuring that the questions and data are unbiased and relevant, as this will determine the responses you receive. This can be challenging, but with some careful consideration, it is possible to create a brand awareness survey that will give you the information you need.

A big advantage of brand awareness surveys is that they can be designed and deployed quickly and at a lower cost than other forms of research. This is particularly true of online surveys, which can be sent to large numbers of customers with the click of a button. They can also be designed to integrate with the respondent’s preferred platform, which will increase the likelihood of them being completed.

Lastly, the results of brand awareness surveys can be analyzed in real-time, allowing businesses to take immediate action to improve their performance. This can be a great way to identify issues that are preventing profitability, and it can also help businesses understand how their competitors are performing.

Regardless of the motive for your market research, using brand awareness surveys will provide you with valuable insights into how people perceive your brand. By taking the time to understand the results of your brand awareness survey, you can make decisions that will improve your business’s profitability.

Why Is My Skin Peeling? Dermatologists Weigh In

Your skin peels for a number of reasons. If you’re unsure what the problem is or your skin seems to be getting worse, schedule an appointment with your dermatologist.

The outer layer of your skin (the epidermis, for skincare nerds) sheds to expose healthier, new cells. But if your peeling is accompanied by a fever, chills or blisters, seek emergency care.


Skin peeling can occur after a sunburn. This occurs because the body is trying to remove the damaged and burned cells on top of the healthy, intact skin underneath. It can be painful, but it is a good thing. The more damaged the skin is, the more it will peel, and this helps speed up healing.

Sunburns should be treated immediately with cool water and moisturizer. Using a soothing lotion with aloe vera may help, especially if the peeling is severe. Avoid picking at the peeling skin, as it can cause more damage and scabbing. You should also wear gloves when washing dishes and other tasks that can irritate your hands, and moisturize the hands often. Lastly, use a humidifier in the winter to prevent the air from drying out the skin.

If your peeling skin is the result of a mild sunburn, it will likely heal on its own within a week or so. In the meantime, you should wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen. “The higher the SPF, the better, as long as it doesn’t have a thick or sticky feel,” says dermatologist Elyse Love. She recommends the PCA SKIN Active Broad Spectrum SPF 45 for both face and body to deal with peeling skin on fingertips.

There is no tried-and-true way to prevent peeling from a sunburn, but it’s important to get out of the sun as soon as you notice burning, and apply a sunscreen with SPF. Even first-degree burns, which only affect the outermost layer of skin, can lead to peeling if you don’t protect it.

Another cause of skin peeling is a condition called Kawasaki disease, which typically affects children under age 5. It is characterized by dry, flaking skin, particularly on the elbows, knees, and other joints, and in the cracks of the hands and feet. In addition to the skin peeling, symptoms include swollen lymph nodes and a high fever that can last several days.


Various health conditions can cause the skin to peel. While the condition may be a nuisance, most forms of skin peeling are not serious. However, if you notice recurring or severe skin peeling, then it could be a sign of an underlying problem that should be treated by a doctor.

The condition eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) can cause itchy, dry, flaky skin that often peels and cracks. The condition is caused by your body’s immune system triggering an allergic reaction to certain elements that come into contact with your skin, like plants, dyes, fragrances, smoke, and chemicals. It can also be triggered by stress and other emotional triggers. It can occur anywhere on the body, including the hands, feet, elbows, knees, and scalp.

While eczema can be very uncomfortable, the condition can be treated with topical creams and oral medications to help reduce the symptoms. It is important to moisturise the affected areas regularly, especially after bathing. Avoid using soaps or detergents that may irritate the skin. Wash the affected area with a gentle cleanser and then pat it dry. Avoid rubbing the skin, as this can aggravate the condition. Wear gloves when doing chores that involve getting your hands wet. Apply emollient ointments that contain higher oil content (like petroleum jelly), particularly after washing your hands.

You can also use a cool compress to soothe the affected area. If the skin is itchy, antihistamines or oral steroids can be used to help control your symptoms.

A fungal infection is another condition that can lead to skin peeling. You can treat a fungal infection with an antifungal medicine. The medication is typically a cream or ointment, but some are available as pills. If you’re experiencing other symptoms such as itching, redness, swelling, or a rash that spreads quickly, then you should see a physician right away.


If you suffer from the chronic inflammatory condition known as psoriasis, you may experience skin peeling. The condition is characterized by pink or red rashes covered with white, peeling skin, and the areas most often affected are the knees, elbows and scalp. The symptoms can range from mild to severe, and the scales that form can itch. The good news is that there are several treatments available to help reduce psoriasis symptoms and prevent skin peeling, including topical ointments, steroids, medicated shampoos, phototherapy and oral medications.

In addition to prescription medications, a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables can also help. Staying hydrated can also prevent dry skin, which can lead to peeling and itching. It is important to moisturize your skin after showering, using a gentle, pH-neutral soap and avoiding hot water. Humidifiers can be helpful for people who live in a dry climate, as they add moisture to the air.

Another way to reduce psoriasis symptoms is to avoid sunlight as much as possible, because it can cause them to flare. If you must be outside, use a dermatologist-recommended sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and wear a wide-brimmed hat.

Other things that can trigger psoriasis include stress, cold temperatures and certain foods. It is important to work with a qualified health care professional to find the best treatment for your individual situation.

Thick, silvery scales that itch and can bleed are the hallmarks of psoriasis. There are several different types of psoriasis, with plaque psoriasis the most common. Other forms of the disease include inverse psoriasis, which causes smooth and shiny patches, and pus-filled blisters called erythrodermic psoriasis, which occur in the folds of the skin like behind the knee or in the groin.

The good news is that many of the causes for skin peeling are treatable, and a visit to your doctor can help you determine what treatment options are best for you. When skin begins to peel, it is a warning sign that it needs attention, so schedule an appointment with your dermatologist right away.


For some people, peeling skin can be an indication of a serious health condition that requires medical treatment. However, most forms of skin peeling are non-serious and can be effectively treated at home using moisturizers and avoiding certain products that can irritate your skin.

Skin peeling is most often the result of irritation. Many things can cause this, such as sunburn, eczema or psoriasis, but also a fungal infection, allergic reaction to cosmetics or skincare products, or a genetic condition such as Kawasaki disease. It can even occur as a side effect of some medications or a chronic illness such as heart disease, liver problems or kidney disorders.

When you notice your skin starting to flake or peel, it is important to stop using any product that may be causing this. You should also make sure you are drinking enough water to stay hydrated, which will help improve the texture of your skin and prevent it from drying out.

Another great way to minimize dryness is by using a moisturizing cream that doesn’t contain harsh ingredients such as alcohol, retinols or exfoliants, which can irritate your skin and trigger peeling. It is also a good idea to spot-test any new skincare products you want to try on your skin in an inconspicuous area before applying them to the rest of it.

Lastly, it is important to use sunscreen whenever you are outside, regardless of the season or weather conditions. This will help reduce the risk of sunburn, which can trigger other conditions and lead to more severe symptoms such as blisters or skin peeling.

If you are experiencing persistent skin peeling or it is accompanied by other symptoms that are worrying you, it’s time to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. They can assess your skin and determine the specific cause of the problem and prescribe an effective treatment plan. If you haven’t already, book your appointment online today. It’s fast, easy and convenient!

Your Plants Are Suffocating: How Fabric Pots Can Help

If your plants are wilting or dying it could be due to heat stress. Unlike plastic, fabric pots allow the outside temperature to pass through, helping your greenery avoid overheating.

When roots reach the edge of a fabric pot, they’re air pruned rather than circling and becoming root bound. This helps the roots get the oxygen they need and results in visibly healthier and more vibrant plants.

Reduces Moisture Loss

When plants in plastic pots are exposed to direct sunlight, their soil can reach high temperatures, resulting in damage to roots. However, when a plant is kept in a fabric pot, the breathable material keeps the soil temperature much lower. This helps to preserve the quality of the planting mix and prevents the roots from becoming brittle.

In fact, a study conducted by Texas A&M University found that the root zone of a fabric pot remained cooler than that of a plastic pot when placed in direct sunlight. The breathable fabric also allows air to flow through the container, keeping the root system well aerated and healthy.

The breathable fabric used to make these pots also encourages healthy root growth by “air pruning” the root tips for healthier, more robust plants. When the roots reach the edge of the container, they sense that they are nearing their limit and are cut off by the breathable fabric. This removes the girdling roots that restrict nutrient uptake, and results in more fibrous small roots which can absorb water and nutrients more efficiently.

This also allows the plant to retain more of its moisture, which is a major concern when growing in containers. When water evaporates, it takes valuable nutrients with it. In a study that tested the difference between a plastic and fabric pot, the evaporation of water from a 1 gallon fabric pot lost 37% of its total water weight in a 24 hour period. In a plastic pot, the same amount of water only lost 12% in a similar timeframe.

Proper soil sizing is essential when growing in containers. This includes using a good planting mix that is well-draining and nutrient rich to support healthy growth. There are several planting mix options available to fit the different needs of various crops. These range from a standard peat moss mix to coco coir, composted bark or wood chips and perlite or vermiculite. Many potting soil mixes are tailored to specific plants by including slow-release fertilizers and moisture control additives.

Air Pruning Roots

A plant can become root bound when its roots extend past the boundaries of its container. When this occurs the roots can spiral, twist, kink and become strangled which is not only unhealthy for the plants but also prevents them from absorbing water and nutrients. Fabric pots help to prevent this problem as they allow air to pass around the roots. This process is known as air pruning and it helps to stimulate the roots to grow into a branched structure that allows them to absorb more water and nutrients.

Unlike plastic containers which have holes in them, fabric pots have permeable fabric allowing air to reach the rootzone. This causes the root tips to prune themselves when they come into contact with air which stops them from extending too far beyond their container. When a root tip contacts air it shrivels and sends a hormonal signal back to the stem-root junction that triggers branching. Over time this creates a mass of fibrous roots that is healthier and enables the plant to better absorb nutrients, water and other elements in its environment.

When a plant grows too large for its container it will often develop long twisted, squiggled roots that look like cobwebs, spaghetti or rope. These are referred to as circulating roots and are caused by the root trying to seek out oxygen in the soil which is limited due to poor container design and nutrient deficiencies. Using a different container size or repotting the plant into a larger container will help to remedy this problem.

Fabric air pruner pots help to resolve this issue as they are designed with a porous material that encourages root entrapment. This works in a similar way to air pruning except it has the added benefit of reducing transplant shock for the plant as well as saving on water and nutrient costs for the grower.

The tight weave of the fabric also helps to save on nutrient and water costs by preventing evaporation. In addition the fabric is resistant to load stress which means it will not deform as quickly as plastic containers that tend to wear out or tear over time. In the long run this can save on expensive repotting expenses and reduces the amount of nutrient loss and abrasion during handling of the containers which can lead to rot or other problems.

Temperature Control

A key factor in healthy plant growth is oxygen flow. While plastic pots block this flow, fabric pots allow air to pass through the breathable material and into the soil. This results in a richer root environment and enhanced nutrient uptake. Additionally, this breathable material helps to regulate soil temperature, preventing excessive heat buildup in direct sunlight or hot weather.

A healthier root system also leads to stronger, more vibrant plants. With improved aeration and air pruning, plant roots become more dense and branch out, providing a strong foundation to support the rest of the plant’s development. This in turn leads to higher leafage, flowers and fruit production. In addition, a dense root system is more resistant to pests and diseases.

The permeability of fabric pots helps promote proper drainage as well. This prevents water from pooling at the bottom of the pot, which can lead to rot and other problems. It also allows excess water to quickly bleed through the fabric, minimizing overwatering.

Finally, the breathable material of fabric pots also helps control soil temperature. In plastic pots, excess heat can build up in direct sunlight or in hot weather, damaging the soil and reducing the health of the roots. In contrast, the breathable fabric of a smart pot allows heat to dissipate more effectively, keeping the soil at a more optimal temperature for a healthy, thriving plant.

When it’s time to repot, the porous nature of fabric pots makes this process easier than in traditional plastic containers. This is because when the roots reach the edge of the pot, they naturally sense that the outside soil is drier and stop growing there (a process called “air pruning”). This helps to prevent the roots from becoming pot bound and promoting a healthier, more robust root system overall.

The benefits of using a fabric pot for your indoor plants go beyond just saving money and improving your green thumb. In fact, these smart pots can make your plants happier and healthier, resulting in brighter, more vibrant foliage! So, if you’re ready to give your indoor plants a boost, switch to a smart pot today and see the difference for yourself.

Easy to Store

Fabric pots allow for more aeration than traditional planters, preventing root circling and keeping the soil at an optimal level of moisture. It’s also easier to prevent overwatering with fabric pots than it is with plastic ones, since water drains easily out the bottom of the container. This prevents excess moisture that can lead to soil-borne diseases such as Phytophthora and Pythium, which can cause devastating root rot.

Because fabric pots are breathable, they also help to keep the roots healthy by air pruning them. This means that when the roots grow to the edge of the pot, they are “air pruned” and do not continue to circle the inside of the pot (pot bound). This enables more fibrous feeder roots to form, making for a dense and healthier root system.

In addition, because of the aeration provided by the breathable fabric, the roots can get more oxygen, which helps them thrive and produce energy. This is important because plants need oxygen to create energy and to perform the processes that help them take in nutrients, minerals, and water. In plastic pots, if the roots do not have adequate access to oxygen, they will stop growing altogether or will only be able to take in oxygen from the top layer of soil.

The best part about using fabric pots is that they are easy to store. All you have to do is empty them of their potting soil, wash them out with baking soda and vinegar to remove any pests that may be hanging out within, then fold them up for storage until the next spring. They can be stored outdoors or in a garage or shed.

When it comes to winterizing your fabric pots, you can use a cover crop such as hairy vetch, crimson clover, peas or wheat to provide a nutrient boost to the soil and to help protect the planters from harsh weather conditions. This can be done in zones 9-13 and provides a great way to improve your soil without needing fertilizers. The roots will break down the crop and add natural nutrients to the soil.

How to Choose the Right Epoxy Color for Your Space

Epoxy floors are a durable floor coating ideal for like garages, commercial kitchens, and industrial warehouses. They are highly resistant to impact, corrosion, chemicals and can withstand heavy machinery.

They are also hygienic and easy to sanitize making them an excellent choice for hospitals and clinics. But how do you take care of epoxy floors?


The epoxy coating provides a durable surface for floors that resists damage from heavy equipment, vehicles, and foot traffic. It also protects the substrate from harsh chemicals and water. In addition, it’s easy to clean and can be sanitized with standard mopping using general cleaner detergents without harming the floor. These features make it an excellent option for industrial and warehouse settings, but it’s also a popular flooring solution for commercial and residential properties.

Its seamless nature makes it easy to sweep and vacuum, providing a dust-free environment and reducing the need for costly professional cleaning or extensive maintenance that can be required by alternative flooring solutions like vinyl or carpet. Additionally, it’s impermeable, meaning that spills and leaks can be cleaned up quickly and easily before they damage the concrete below. This reduces the risk of dangerous and expensive accidents while keeping personnel, equipment, and inventory safe.

Epoxy flooring is also extremely durable and can withstand light to heavy workloads, including forklift and truck traffic, making it ideal for manufacturing facilities. It can also be made non-slip by mixing sand into the wet epoxy during application, which makes it ideal for high-traffic areas that need to meet safety requirements. Additionally, the slick surface provides superior grip and comfort underfoot.

If you’re considering having an epoxy floor installed, it’s best to hire a professional installer. They’ll have years of experience and expertise in the field, ensuring that your floor will be long-lasting and durable. They’ll also have access to quality products and specialized tools that you might not have, helping you save time and money in the long run.

Proper surface preparation is also essential to the longevity of an epoxy floor. If the concrete is not in good condition, the coating will break down prematurely. It’s important to test the surface for cracks or other damages before applying any epoxy coating. It’s also a good idea to choose a product that complies with your industry’s antistatic standards. This will help ensure that static charges do not build up on your employees and equipment, which can cause costly damage.


Unlike other flooring options, epoxy is impermeable, protecting the concrete underneath from chemicals and other contaminants. As a result, maintenance is much simpler and less expensive.

Additionally, if a spill does occur, property owners can simply wipe the surface down with a clean cloth, avoiding harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners that could damage the coating. This allows the floor to remain clean and pristine for longer, reducing wear and tear.

Epoxy is also highly resistant to corrosion. This makes it the ideal choice for environments that are prone to heavy-duty foot traffic and other forms of wear and tear, such as food and beverage plants, storage warehouses, and chemical manufacturing facilities. The epoxy can be formulated to resist a variety of corrosive chemicals, which eliminates the need for concern regarding spills and other messes in these areas.

As a rule, epoxy floors are easy to maintain and can be kept looking like new with the help of regular cleaning and inspections. A dust mop is one of the standard tools to keep a clean epoxy floor and is often sufficient to remove small particles of dirt that can scratch or otherwise damage the coating. For areas that may see more dirt and grit, a broom or vacuum attachment will be necessary to reach the corners and crevices of these areas.

When a deeper clean is required, a soft bristle deck brush can be used to loosen and remove any embedded particles of dirt. A diluted non-alkaline cleaner can then be used to wipe down the surface of the floor, again, avoiding abrasive chemicals that might damage the coating.

A periodic scrubbing of the floor with a soft bristle brush may be needed in high-traffic areas. It is also a good idea to make sure that the area is swept regularly and to ensure that any large stains, scratches, gouges, or cuts are addressed immediately to avoid further damage. Additionally, it is recommended that property owners consider UV protection for their epoxy floors, as prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause them to yellow over time.

Easy to Clean

The epoxy used in floors is highly durable, and it can withstand most types of chemicals, solvents, and other substances that would destroy ordinary flooring. However, the floor should be swept or vacuumed regularly to remove dust and other particles that could damage the coating. In addition, it should be mopped with a non-toxic detergent solution that is safe for the epoxy flooring. Usually, a simple mix of warm water and a pH-neutral detergent will do the trick, but some stains may require more than just a simple soap solution.

Once the surface is prepared by grinding or shot blasting, a clean and debris-free surface is ready to be mopped. It is important to scrub the floor at least once a week, and more frequently depending on how much traffic it receives. This will help keep the floor smooth and free of large stains or scratches.

If your epoxy floor is stained or scratched, you can use a kitchen scrubbing sponge and some warm water to clean the area. If you need to scrub more heavily, you can use a nylon brush. If the stain is particularly stubborn, you may want to pre-treat it with a cleanser made for epoxy floors. Avoid using steel wool or harsh chemicals like Comet, which can scratch or discolor the surface.

Epoxy floors are very easy to maintain, but they do need to be protected from heavy equipment and machinery, especially during construction. If possible, place a walk-off mat at the entrance to collect dirt and other debris before it is tracked onto the floor. Additionally, it is a good idea to put soft pads under furniture and bicycle or motorcycle kickstands.

Epoxy floors are a great choice for any home, commercial or industrial space, and the high level of customization available allows them to fit any style. For example, solid color epoxy is ideal for kitchens, and a textured finish adds traction to the floor for safety. For retail spaces, a metallic finish adds both form and function, and it can be customized with the company’s logo.

Low Maintenance

Epoxy floors are incredibly durable and chemical-resistant, so they can stand up to the wear and tear of everyday use. However, they also require regular cleaning to preserve their appearance and ensure that they continue to meet their primary purpose: protecting and enhancing your space.

Scrubbing frequency depends on the level of soilage present, but it’s generally best to scrub high-traffic areas daily with a soft-bristle brush or mop and detergent. This keeps oil, grease and grime at bay, while maintaining the floor’s slip-resistant properties.

Proper surface preparation is a critical step in the epoxy flooring installation process. The concrete must be blasted, cleaned, and de-greased to ensure that the epoxy adheres properly to the substrate. Professional installers know how to identify the presence of prior layers and prepare the substrate accordingly.

Besides their aesthetic appeal, epoxy floors have several practical benefits that make them a smart investment for commercial spaces. They can enhance the presentation of products in showrooms by reflecting light and highlighting merchandise, helping businesses attract and engage customers. They can reduce the number of industrial accidents that result in slipping and falling, which cuts down on workers’ compensation claims and other related expenses.

In addition to their durability and anti-slip properties, epoxy floors are easy to clean and maintain. They can be mopped with warm water to remove most debris and stains. For particularly stubborn deposits, a mild detergent may be necessary. Abrasions and scratches are a common issue for many types of commercial flooring, but epoxy floors resist damage due to their hardwearing nature.

Regular inspections and timely repairs are essential for the longevity of any flooring material, but it’s especially important with epoxy floors. Promptly identifying and addressing issues such as cracks or chips is vital for preventing them from worsening over time, as they can weaken the bond between the epoxy layer and the substrate and cause further damage. Professional maintenance services typically include deep cleaning, buffing, and resealing to extend the life of the coating. Depending on the level of protection you desire, you may also opt for a protective top coat that provides additional UV resistance and enhanced aesthetics.

How To Navigate Right To Light Disputes A Step By Step Guide

Right to light disputes can be expensive and time consuming. It’s best to engage an expert commercial property solicitor as early on in the process as possible to help manage and mitigate the risks.

Start by reviewing your deeds to see if they reference any rights of light. Next, assess neighbouring properties to identify any windows or openings from which natural light has historically entered.


The amount of natural light a property receives can make a huge difference to the enjoyment and usability of a room, like with Blackacre Surveyors. When that access to light is threatened by a neighbouring development, it’s entirely understandable that homeowners would want to take action. The key to successfully navigating right to light disputes is finding compromise. This is why it’s important to have expert advice at hand, so that you can explore your options and find the right path forward.

There are several steps that can be taken to resolve a right to light dispute, but it’s essential that you speak to an experienced commercial property solicitor as early on in your project as possible. In many cases, addressing any potential issues at the outset can save you time and money further down the line.

One option is to negotiate directly with the affected party. This can be done via face to face meetings, phone calls or email correspondence. It’s worth bearing in mind that the outcome of these conversations can affect how your build is progressed onsite. This could involve changing the scale of your development or altering the design to mitigate the impact on your neighbours’ rights to light.

If direct negotiations are unsuccessful, a mediator can be brought in to facilitate discussions and help both parties find a middle ground. This can be a much quicker and less expensive option than pursuing legal proceedings, and often yields more positive outcomes than court action.

In some situations, it may be necessary to pursue legal action if the infringement of your neighbour’s rights to light is severe and unrelenting. The Court can then award compensation to your neighbour, order that your construction is halted onsite, order that the offending element of your building be altered or in extreme cases, that it be removed altogether.

Navigating right to light disputes can be challenging, and resolving them quickly is a crucial part of keeping your project on schedule. It’s worth bearing in mind that any out of court settlements or damages awarded to your neighbour may be subject to legal costs, so you should consult with an experienced commercial property solicitor as soon as you suspect there are any issues.


The level of natural light entering your property can make a significant difference to how enjoyable you find living in it. So, when you discover that neighbouring constructions or the removal of trees are preventing you from enjoying your right to light, it’s important to take action.

Dispute resolution can often be achieved through mediation, whereby you and your neighbours meet with a neutral facilitator to discuss the issues in an open and collaborative way. Although the process is not suited to every case, it’s a highly successful strategy for settling rights to light disputes.

However, a high percentage of mediations are not resolved during the proceedings. Nevertheless, the enhanced mutual understanding that comes with mediation is likely to improve prospects for a settlement later on.

Aside from the legal costs, defending or negotiating right to light claims can delay project timelines significantly. For this reason, it’s advisable to engage an experienced property dispute solicitor as early on in the process as possible – to ensure that any potential rights to light problems are fully understood and addressed.

If you decide to pursue legal action over a rights to light issue, there are two remedies available to the court: compensation or an injunction. Compensation would involve the court awarding you a sum of money in order to compensate you for your loss, while an injunction could prevent you from building on your site, require changes/adaptions or, in extreme cases, result in demolishing the offending work.

In most cases, a judge will not order you to remove any part of your new build unless there is a clear and material loss of value that cannot be remedied with compensation. This is because the courts are keen to balance the interests of your neighbours and your right to light.

As Flettons Surveyors regularly stress, a valid planning permission does not necessarily absolve you from infringing on your neighbours’ right to light. It’s also worth noting that there are numerous cases in which a building has been built without the benefit of any formal planning permission, but it still infringes on your neighbour’s rights to light.


The property market’s post-recession resurgence is good news for developers and homeowners alike. However, it has the potential to lead to a flurry of right-to-light disputes that could stop construction projects in their tracks or force developers to pay compensation for infringing on neighbours’ rights to light. The law relating to the right to light is complex, but with expert advice, these disputes can be avoided.

Rights of light are legal easements that give owners the legal entitlement to enjoy sunlight passing over their land through a ‘defined aperture’, typically a window in their building. If a new development (including a home extension) diminishes the amount of natural light that reaches a neighbouring property, it can lead to a dispute. These disputes can be resolved through a variety of ways, including arbitration and court action.

In many cases, the parties will try to reach an amicable settlement to avoid legal action. This may be achieved through a negotiated payment or an amended design that addresses the issue. It is important that any agreement reached is documented. Ideally, this should take place before the work begins, so that there is a paper trail showing that the issue was raised and discussed.

However, if a negotiated solution cannot be agreed, or the Adjoining Owner feels that their rights are being infringed by the Developer’s proposed works, it is best to follow the Right to Light Protocol and seek legal advice. Taking a neighbour to court over issues of legal right of light is not something to be undertaken lightly, as it can incur significant costs and introduce uncertainty into the proceedings.

If a claim is successful, it will result in damages being awarded to the injured party or, in extreme cases, an injunction ordering the developer to demolish part of the new development. It is important that developers carry out a risk assessment of the likelihood of a right to light claim at the planning stage and seek advice on how to best protect their interests. Our team of property lawyers have the expertise required to deal with these sensitive issues and ensure your development project progresses smoothly.


The legal protection of rights to light is something that many property owners and developers are not familiar with – but it should be a significant consideration whenever you think about carrying out work on your building or garden that may impact the amount of natural light a neighbouring building receives. Considering right to light considerations at the planning stage is essential and our expert property lawyers and dispute resolution team are always ready to advise and refer you to specialist right to light surveyors if necessary.

A legal right to light is a form of easement that gives a landowner the right to receive light through ‘defined apertures’ in buildings on their own land, usually windows. The legal test for an actionable interference is whether the impacted landowner has suffered an actual reduction in light as a result of the obstruction. This could be as a result of a tree, fence or new development on neighbouring land interfering with the amount of light available to the impacted property. If this is the case then an injunction could be obtained, preventing the work from being carried out or requiring its removal. Alternatively the landowner might be compensated in lieu of an injunction.

As a final resort, if the above steps fail to resolve a dispute then both parties might wish to consider mediation. This is usually less costly than formal court proceedings and can often resolve a disputes quickly and effectively. Our expert property dispute lawyers are experienced in negotiating out of court settlements regarding right to light disputes.

As a result of the complex nature of rights to light and the potential impact on a building’s value, it is generally best to seek advice from specialist property dispute solicitors as soon as any issues arise. This will help to prevent any problems from arising and potentially result in costly litigation that could have been avoided. Our expert property team is able to offer advice and assistance on all aspects of commercial and residential property law and dispute resolution. Call us on 01225 462871 or email us at [email protected].

4 Signs Your Laptop Needs Professional Repair

Your laptop’s biggest enemy isn’t a stealthy program designed to hack into your data or destroy its hardware. Instead, it’s you.

From small restarts to long wait times, your bad habits will eventually wear down its systems, like overheating, screen damage, and slow performance. Here are some of the worst computer habits you should break: 1. Overheating.

1. Overheating

Overheating is one of the biggest threats to laptops. It can cause permanent damage to sensitive components, system instability and even data corruption. It can also significantly reduce the lifespan of the hardware.

Laptops have special fans and vents that help to keep them cool. However, they can overheat if they’re not properly maintained or if environmental factors overwhelm their cooling systems. For example, if you place your laptop on a soft surface like a bed or pillow for long periods of time it will block the air vents and prevent them from dispersing heat properly. Also, if your laptop is exposed to direct sunlight it may overheat.

The most obvious sign that your laptop is overheating is when it becomes hot to the touch and the fan starts to spin loudly. You might also notice a general slowdown in performance or sudden shutdowns. In many cases, overheating can be avoided by regularly cleaning the fan and keeping it free of dust. Also, you can try to avoid running software that draws a lot of energy, such as video games and some streaming programs.

If your laptop is overheating for no apparent reason, you can run a hardware troubleshooter to check for any errors that might be causing it to overheat. These tools will fix any problems with your internal components and software that might be causing it to run inefficiently, which will reduce the workload on the hardware. Alternatively, you can update your operating system and any apps to the latest version to fix bugs that could be causing it to overheat. Lastly, you can use a cooling pad to raise your laptop off of any soft surfaces and prevent it from blocking the air vents.

2. Dust

Most of us consider dust a nuisance and, while it may make our electronic devices look dirty, it can actually cause permanent damage to their components. Over time, dust accumulates in fans and vents and blocks air flow, causing components to overheat and possibly shorting out.

Laptops are especially susceptible to overheating because of their compact design and the fact that they use internal fans to cool their innards. If left unattended, a laptop can overheat and shut down, leading to loss of data or hardware failure.

Dust also contaminates the air and can damage a laptop’s screen, keyboard, and track pad. Even a few specks of dust can cause the antireflective coating on the LCD to degrade, leading to dimming, blurring, and color inconsistency.

It’s important to clean your laptop regularly to keep it looking good and working properly. Keeping it on plush surfaces can block the airflow and cause overheating, while leaving it in direct sunlight can kill the battery and corrode the motherboard. Regularly wipe the screen with a lint-free cloth or lightly spray it with a multipurpose surface cleaner and make sure to keep pets and kids away from the keyboard and mouse.

While the biggest contributor to indoor dust is human shedding skin, pollen grains, fabric fibers, and pet dander, other biotic substances can make their way into dust as well. These can include bacteria, mold spores, and fungi, which can be a problem for people with respiratory allergies or asthma. Some particles are so small they can be inhaled directly into the lungs, where they can irritate lung tissues and enter the bloodstream. Even larger sized particles can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat.

3. Liquid Damage

If you’ve ever dropped your laptop, you know how devastating it can be. It may just leave a slight scratch or crack on the screen, but it could also render it unusable. It depends on the height of the fall, how wet it was, and whether any internal components were affected.

Liquid damage is especially destructive, as water and moisture conduct electricity and can short circuit electronic components. This can lead to data loss, operating system corruption, or even complete device failure. If your laptop has been exposed to liquid, the best thing to do is turn it off immediately and open it as much as possible to drain any excess fluid. Next, remove all external devices and accessories such as USB mice, storage devices, and the mouse, and prop it up on a towel in a warm, dry area. You should also try to transfer any data from the hard drive before attempting to power it on again.

It’s always a good idea to backup all of your important data to an external storage device in case this happens to you. If you do not have a backup, it is likely your data will be lost permanently.

If your laptop is experiencing any of these problems, it is likely time for a repair. Taking preventative measures will help you extend your computer’s lifespan and keep it running optimally for years to come. By preventing these common laptop problems, you can save yourself from expensive repairs and replacements in the future. Invest in preventative maintenance by regularly cleaning vents and fans, keeping liquids away from your computer, and using a protective laptop case to avoid physical trauma.

4. Corrosion

With the right care, your laptop can last quite a few years before it needs to be replaced. However, like many of us, your electronic buddy can fall victim to certain bad habits that shorten its lifespan and make it prone to malfunctions.

Corrosion is a natural phenomenon that occurs when metals react with substances in the surrounding environment, usually by electrochemical processes. This reaction creates unwanted compounds such as rust, patina, or corrosion products. The result is the slow, unnoticeable destruction of the material in question. Although it is often thought of as a nuisance, corrosion can cause many serious problems. It has caused bridges and buildings to collapse, oil pipelines to leak, and even spoiled works of art.

Almost all metals are susceptible to corrosion. However, some are more prone to deterioration than others. This is due to their chemical instability in certain environments. Only the noble metals (gold, silver, and platinum) are found in nature in their pure metallic state; all other metals are processed from minerals or ores. This processing changes the chemical structure of the metals, making them unstable in some environments.

While corrosion can be destructive, it also can be beneficial. For example, the greenish patina that covers the Statue of Liberty’s iron frame acts as a protective layer against rust damage. Corrosion has also helped preserve the Statue of Liberty and other historic monuments, as well as many modern building materials and industrial equipment.

Using your laptop in the proper environment, following best practices for battery care, and deploying surge protectors can help you get the most life out of your electronic buddy. But if you notice your laptop shutting down or freezing in its tracks more frequently than usual, it’s time to break these bad habits and pick up some new tech.

5. Malware

Malware, or malicious software, is designed to damage computer systems and mobile devices, steal data and disrupt normal operations. It may also cause the device to slow down, become sluggish or even stop functioning altogether. While there are many different types of malware, some of the most common include worms and viruses, adware, spyware and ransomware.

Cyber criminals are experts at making malware look like a legitimate file or program, which can be difficult for users to identify. Other warning signs of malware are a sudden loss of disk space, sluggish apps and unexpected internet activity that is not consistent with your typical usage habits.

While Windows computers are typically targeted for malware attacks, hackers have been known to target Macs as well. In fact, the 2020 State of Malware Report found that for the first time ever, malware threats to Apple devices outnumbered those to PCs.

Some types of malware are more harmful than others, with the most damaging being those that take complete control of a device. This is referred to as remote control or rootkit malware and allows attackers to make changes to the system that would otherwise require administrator privileges. It can be accomplished by using an infected removable drive, a Trojan horse that is hidden in another app or by stealing credentials. Other types of malware perform data espionage by spying on the user’s online activities, including keystrokes, web camera and microphone captures and screenshots. Still other malware can appear as a pop-up alert to trick the user into downloading fake security software or scareware. The infamous WannaCry ransomware is an example of this type of malware. It locks a user’s device until they pay a ransom to unlock it.

4 Old Money Fashion Staples for the Modern Gentleman

Men’s summer style is all about balancing comfort and style. Invest in essential men’s wardrobe pieces like casual shirts and shorts in breathable fabrics.

Whether propped up with a tie and suit or worn rumpled with rolled sleeves, a blue button down shirt is the perfect staple for any warm-weather outfit.

1. Sunglasses

While a pair of sunglasses may not be the most exciting item on this list, it’s one of the most important accessories to keep on hand during summer. It celebrates a legacy of wealth and sophistication. They help protect your eyes from the sun’s harsh rays, make any outfit look dressy and stylish, and will save you from a sunburn (if that’s what you’re going for).

The key to finding the perfect pair of sunglasses is to find a style that suits your face shape. Round frames suit angular or square faces, while rectangular frames are a good fit for oval and heart-shaped faces. For a classic look, consider aviator sunglasses, which feature fine-adjoining frames and lenses that give them an architectural feel. Alternatively, opt for a pair of oversized sunglasses that add a cool, retro-inspired vibe to your look.

From continental European luxury houses blending centuries of artisanal heritage with contemporary design to fashion vanguards pushing new aesthetic frontiers, this season’s covetable shades run the full sartorial spectrum. Invest in a pair of sunglasses from the likes of Oliver Peoples that pays tribute to cinematic legends or choose a pair from Co Optical that’s influenced by the sculptural masterpieces of Jean Prouve.

Whether you’re heading to the beach or an outdoor event, a lightweight hat is a summer must-have. A classic baseball hat works best, but it’s worth exploring other options as well. You can also look for hats in other shapes and colors, such as fedoras or flat caps. A light hat is a great complement to almost any outfit and can be worn to a variety of summer events, including weddings and family reunions. You can even wear it with a T-shirt dress to instantly elevate the look of a casual ensemble.

2. Button Down Shirt

If there is one item every man needs this summer, it’s a button down shirt. Button down shirts bridge the gap between casual tees and dress shirts, allowing men to look stylish, put-together and relaxed all at once. A good quality button down is lightweight and breathable, making it perfect for warm weather wear. Pairing it with tailored pants or chinos, the right shoes and accessories can create a polished, sophisticated outfit perfect for any occasion.

While polo shirts have gotten a bad reputation on MFA and are often seen worn by prep school kids or old guys at the golf course, they can actually be quite useful during the summer. They are very comfortable, especially if you choose to purchase a high-quality fabric like cotton or linen. Polos are also incredibly versatile, being suitable for both business casual wear and smart-casual outfits.

The key to wearing a polo well is to avoid baggy fits, branding and synthetic materials. Instead, look for a shirt with sleeves that hit mid-bicep and a slight taper through the body. You should also opt for a rounded hem and avoid any buttons or stripes on the collar.

Another great option for men who need to stay cool during the summer is a pair of chino pants or shorts. Chinos are generally lighter than jeans, and they have a more tailored fit, which is ideal for warm weather wear. If you want to stay even more comfortable, try a pair of lightweight linen pants. They’re perfect for hot, humid days, and they breathe much better than denim. They’re also more appropriate for work-appropriate outfits, and they can be paired with a light linen button down shirt for a classic, refined look.

3. Chino Pants & Shorts

Originally used as military uniforms for their breathable and comfortable nature, chinos have since become one of the most versatile pants for men to own. They can be worn casually when paired with a t-shirt or professionally with a dress shirt, making them an excellent choice for a variety of occasions. Additionally, they are highly durable and made with high-quality materials, ensuring that they will last for years to come.

Whether you need to attend a formal event, work in business casual attire, or just want to feel confident on a casual outing, a pair of chinos is an essential wardrobe item for any man. They can be easily dressed up or down with the right accessories and shoes, allowing you to create a wide range of stylish looks.

For a smart-casual look, pair your chinos with a polo or button down shirt and classic leather belt. You can even add a blazer for an extra dose of style and professionalism. When it comes to shoes, loafers or desert boots are ideal for a sophisticated look while sneakers are great for casual settings. Tucked in chinos give off a polished and professional appearance, while leaving them untucked offers a laid-back and casual aesthetic.

Chino shorts are also a must for any summer wardrobe. For a more polished look, pair your chinos with tucked in shirts and a suit jacket or navy blazer. For a more casual look, you can wear your chinos with a t-shirt and sneakers. SANVT’s chino shorts are made with premium quality fabric that will not fade over time, so you can wear them for years to come. Additionally, they are designed with back welt pockets and a tonal logo patch for added style.

4. Loafers

One of the most versatile shoes a man can own, loafers are casual yet dressy enough for nearly any occasion. They are perfect for the summer and can be worn with jeans, trousers, chinos or shorts – just remember to wear them with a polished look.

To get the most out of your loafers, it’s best to stick with traditional styles in neutral colors like brown or black. This will allow them to pair well with any outfit and will make your shoes the focal point of the ensemble instead of a distraction. However, if you’re looking to add some color to your outfits then you can choose to go for a tassel loafer or one with some eye-catching detail like a brighter sole or unique colorway.

If you’re planning on wearing your loafers to work, consider opting for a Goodyear welted shoe with leather lining and an unlined upper. This style will give your loafers a little extra longevity and ensure that they keep their shape. In addition, if you plan on wearing them with formal attire then you should look for a suede or patent leather loafer.

Derek Guy recommended Edward Green’s Piccadilly in a dark brown leather as the perfect loafer for pairing with tailored clothing, especially a suit. Simon Crompton, on the other hand, prefers a more relaxed dandy feel and recommends Alden’s Tassel Loafer in a full strap shell leather. The latter will also pair well with linen suits and other lightweight tailoring. Both pairs of loafers are the ideal addition to a wardrobe of classic menswear staples like a slim fit linen blazer from Brunello Cucinelli and a featherweight cashmere suit from Brioni.

5. Leather Bifold Wallet

Men need to carry their cash, credit cards and identification during summer and beyond. While you could buy a cheap velcro wallet at the discount store, it’s much better to invest in a leather bifold that will last. Bull Sheath Leather offers several slim options that fit perfectly in a front pocket and provide room for a handful of cards and folded cash.

When it comes to casual attire, there are few wardrobe staples that come as versatile and stylish as a denim jacket. This men’s accessory is perfect for layering over a casual button down shirt or tee during warm weather. If you’re going to be spending a long day outdoors, a baseball cap will help shield your face from the sun.

For a dressier look, men can opt for a lightweight linen or wool suit in a soft gray, blue, or white color that will keep them cool and comfortable all summer. The best part is that this look can also be worn to a casual event like a barbecue or patio dinner.

A good pair of sunglasses, a quality button down shirt, and leather loafers are all essential men’s summer clothes, but what really elevates these outfits is the finishing touches. A woven bracelet, for example, can add texture and a hint of ruggedness to any outfit while a luxury dive watch will give your summer style an extra dapper touch.

Men’s fashion is evolving this year with a revival of the preppy aesthetic and relaxed resort wear vibes. The season’s color palette ranges from vibrant primary hues to softer pastel shades that reflect the warm-weather spirit. Whether you’re dressing for a casual BBQ, an office happy hour, or a formal wedding, the right pieces will make you feel confident and prepared for summer.